Buttered Lettuce with Toasted Almonds

lettuce with almonds We are currently on a trip in Copenhagen, Denmark. I am working for the next two weeks at restaurant Kadeau to learn about Nordic cuisine. It's a privilege for me to work with such a creative team. For pictures from this trip, head to the Facebook page.

The other night one of our hosts, Thomas, made this amazing side dish of cooked lettuce. It's simply lettuce seared a few minutes in butter, drizzled with apple cider vinegar, and topped with a few almonds. I thought it would be nice to share the recipe with you. Ideally you would use romaine hearts split in half, but smaller, baby lettuces also work. toastedalmonds

Serves 4 as a side


• 4 baby lettuces (or 2 larger romaine hearts) split in half • 1/4 cup almonds, chopped • 2 tablespoons butter • 1 tablespoon grapeseed or olive oil • 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar • salt to taste

In a small pan, toast the almonds until golden brown. Set aside. Heat a large saute pan, and melt the butter until it's sizzling. Add the lettuce to the pan, face down, and cook for 2-3 minutes. Serve them face side up, drizzled with the oil and vinegar and topped with the toasted almonds and a pinch of salt.
