This first recipe makes one killer appetizer while the second goes well with any breakfast. They are both really simple; two ingredients apiece, both grated, squeezed of excess water, and fried in a pan. The ratio is half potatoes, half whatever other vegetable. I made some with zucchini and some others with butternut squash. Feel free to experiment with anything you have in your own veg box and to size your cakes according to your own meal plan. Both of these recipes will make around 8 large or 16 small cakes. Cook for 6 minutes on each side for larger cakes and 4 minutes on each side for smaller ones. For an extra punch throw together a lemon-dill yogurt sauce, which, just so you know, also tastes great with fish.
Serves 4-6
Butternut Squash Potato Cakes
• 3 medium potatoes (500g)
• 1/2 butternut squash (500g)
• salt + black pepper
Grate the potatoes and butternut squash. Put in a large bowl and season with salt. Let sit for about 5 minutes to let the moisture out. Put them in a colander and squeeze them with your hand to get the water out. Do this until there's almost no more water dripping.
Heat up 2-3 tablespoons oil in a large pan. Form a patties about 1.5" in diameter and slide them in the hot oil. Put 7-8 at a time. On medium-high heat, cook the cakes about 4-5 minutes on each side. Season with salt and pepper.
Set the cakes on a plate or in a warm oven while you fry the rest.
Fry the rest.
Lemon-Dill Yogurt Sauce
• 1 cup plain yogurt
• 1 tablespoon dill, chopped
• 1 tablespoon lemon juice
• 1 garlic clove, finely chopped
Mix all ingredients together.

Zucchini Cheddar Potato Cakes
• 3 medium potatoes (500g)
• 2 medium zucchini (500g)
• 100g cheddar (optional)
• salt + black pepper
Grate the potatoes and zucchinis. Put in a large bowl and season with salt. Set aside for about 5 minutes to let the moisture seep out. Put them in a colander and squeeze them with your hand to get even more water out. Do this until there's almost no more water dripping.
Heat up 2-3 tablespoons oil in a large pan. Form patties about 3" in diameter and slide them in the hot oil. Put 4-5 at a time. On medium-high heat, cook the cakes about 6 minutes on each side. Season with salt and pepper. As your flip them, add some grated cheddar on top.
Set the cakes on a plate or in a warm oven while you fry the rest.
Fry the rest.